Auto clean with crystal 3 in 1 dermabrasion microdermabrasion machine skin peel
1) Mirco-crystal Peeling function Based on the principles of exfoliation. Different from many other chemical exfoliations available today it is a dry exfoliation method that is safe to use on many parts of the body including the face area. Exfoliating can also be understood as the removal of dead skin cells. By using the special crystals we provide. It can help smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines. It is also very beneficial for scars left from wounds or chicken pox. It also helps to unclog pores stimulate the circulation of the skin eliminate dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin and improves the skins ability to retain moisture. Giving the skin a more youthful and healthy appearance. However due to the nature of its treatment it is very important that this machine is operated by qualified personnel only. Any violations of the above will void the warranty and the operators should be responsible for any damages to the systems and client.
2) Diamond Dermabrasion Peeling function Provided a non-surgical skin refinish procedure by using sterile diamond heads to abrade or rub off the top skin layer then vacuuming out the particles along with any dirt and dead skin back up. This procedure removes skin debris imperfections blemishes wrinkles and unwanted pigmentation on the skin. Moderate usage of diamond dermabrasion accompany with skin products that penetrate through top skin layer that reach the dermis level helps to replenish natural nutrients restore cell activity and promote skin health. The results after Micro dermabrasion treatment is usually a healthy glowing beautiful skin. Diamond microdermabrasion is generally indicated for: ~Rejuvenation of sun damaged skin-face neck shoulders back arms and legs. ~Reduction of age spots. ~Minimization of blotchy skin coloring ~Reduction of acne and superficial scars from past injury ~Exraction of blackheads and white heads ~Reduction of oily skin. ~Improvement of overall skin health
3 Auto-clean Jam A lot of Microdermabrasion Machines have a same problem Crystal clogging. During operation crystals suddenly stopped they are jammed in handpiece and crystal bar. Our Machine solved this problem in a simple and fast way. (資料より)
商品情報商品名マイクロ クリスタル ダイヤモンド ピーリング ブランドAnion Skin Cleaner型番NV-900Aサイズ52X42X40 Cm材質ー 電力電圧50Hz-60Hz.重量23KG付属品画像のものが全てです 状態 8/10 説明ご覧頂き有難うございます。マイクロクリスタル ダイヤモンドピーリング NV-900A 付属品 取説 超音波スキンスクライバー 毛穴洗浄 角質除去黒ずみ改善 可動 参考50万円 になります。画像の物が全てです。
商品の詳細に関しましては、こちら を併せてご覧下さい。(海外のサイトです)
Auto clean with crystal 3 in 1 dermabrasion microdermabrasion machine skin peel
1) Mirco-crystal Peeling function
Based on the principles of exfoliation. Different from many other chemical exfoliations available today it is a dry exfoliation method that is safe to use on many parts of the body including the face area.
Exfoliating can also be understood as the removal of dead skin cells. By using the special crystals we provide. It can help smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines. It is also very beneficial for scars left from wounds or chicken pox. It also helps to unclog pores stimulate the circulation of the skin eliminate dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin and improves the skins ability to retain moisture. Giving the skin a more youthful and healthy appearance.
However due to the nature of its treatment it is very important that this machine is operated by qualified personnel only.
Any violations of the above will void the warranty and the operators should be responsible for any damages to the systems and client.
2) Diamond Dermabrasion Peeling function
Provided a non-surgical skin refinish procedure by using sterile diamond heads to abrade or rub off the top skin layer then vacuuming out the particles along with any dirt and dead skin back up. This procedure removes skin debris imperfections blemishes wrinkles and unwanted pigmentation on the skin. Moderate usage of diamond dermabrasion accompany with skin products that penetrate through top skin layer that reach the dermis level helps to replenish natural nutrients restore cell activity and promote skin health. The results after Micro dermabrasion treatment is usually a healthy glowing beautiful skin. Diamond microdermabrasion is generally indicated for:
~Rejuvenation of sun damaged skin-face neck shoulders back arms and legs.
~Reduction of age spots.
~Minimization of blotchy skin coloring
~Reduction of acne and superficial scars from past injury
~Exraction of blackheads and white heads
~Reduction of oily skin.
~Improvement of overall skin health
3 Auto-clean Jam
A lot of Microdermabrasion Machines have a same problem Crystal clogging. During operation crystals suddenly stopped they are jammed in handpiece and crystal bar. Our Machine solved this problem in a simple and fast way.
送料方法ヤマト運輸(落札者様負担) 同梱について同梱に関しましては可能な限り対応させていただきます、ご希望の商品がある場合は落札後にご連絡ください。
お取引の期日ご入金は落札より5日以内 にお願いします。
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